The Eco-Village


This 18 acre island within an island retreat was initially called “Daniel’s Head Eco-Resort”, and was patterned after a series of successful resorts in the US Virgin Islands. Developed by Stanley Selegut, who was better known as the “Godfather of Eco-tourism”, who worked closely with Paul to pattern the tent structures after the one’s he had done at Mahoe Bay, and Concordia on St. John’s Island which were booked solid and wildly popular.

There were 84 cottage tent style cabanas, built on columns, many of them situated over boardwalks and over the pristine waters. All rooms had a direct view of the water and many feature Plexiglas floors to allowing viewing of the ocean below. The resort featured simple amenities in a natural setting. Rooms did not have telephones or televisions and in spirit was to provide a true to natural escape. This however, did not comport with the room rate pricing that was mandated, which instead of promoting it for the simplicity it was to represent, and did not deliver the luxury being paid for. The resort was rebranded “9 Beaches” but was closed in 2010.