
Rosemont Residences

The clients were armchair developers, and had neither the experience or the property to build their proposed project; a 11 unit multi-purpose building in Hamilton, Bermuda. DSI, was called upon to provide not only design services, but to procure the necessary land, negotiate terms, and obtain all necessary Planning Approvals. The importance of collaboration, and joined forces with planning consultants, engineers and realtors, who assisted us in providing these services on time and budget for this project was crucial. numerous applications had already been declined, creating a cloud over the site of failed attempts and of misapprehension by developers and investors. Working within the guidelines of the Planning Statement, we created a building envelope which satisfied the maximum use, site coverage and setback requirements and, of course, the developers expectations. A Planning Application was filed by our office for an In Principal Approval, which was granted, however, upon Final Application which followed directly, no less than 15 objectors filed to oppose the project.

Having a high profile in close proximity to the city of Hamilton center, the number of objectors and their relative standing in the community made an approval uncertain at best, and most projects had been defeated in the past by similar measures. Running concurrent to these challenges was the ongoing maintainence of relations with the land owners, and the project investors, which threatened the development daily. DSI met these challenges, and overcame all objectors, and the threat of a direct appeal to the Minister of the Environment. Permission, which was granted without condtion in 2008, leading to completion in 2010.