

The program for this Distillery design was determined by a 12,000 s.f. existing structure that was to be re-purposed for the owners and leased to a local Distiller. The design premise was there is no shortage of vintage themed distilleries, that look back to the precarious history of alcohol as it made it’s way into the New World. Instead, this was a modern forward looking approach.

This MOSI style complex was meant to tout the beauty of simplicity, and of the many uses of alcohol, along side a focus on sustainability and energy independence

This preliminary expose illustrates the imaginative and extreme practicality of alcohol, as food, fuel, antiseptic and spirit for consumption. There would be space for films, plays and lectures dedicated to simple living and the simple pleasures of natural abundance. After hours there was to be boutique food venues and performing artists for a more mature crowd, and shuttles will be provided to nearby pubs and breweries in the immediate area